Our service is unique as we have solid knowledge of nutrition, supplements, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Ayurvedic medicine. We also use the latest technologies for Pain and Anxiety, Insomnia and Depression. In addition, we work with biological dentists and chiropractors to help you navigate your wellness journey.
Nutrition and supplements can be a challenging decision. Just by going to your local health food store you are confronted by numerous choices for a simple vitamin or supplement. Many of these supplements may contain heavy metals. You also need to know how the ingredients were sourced and their extraction ratio (potency).
If you do not know the answers, you are merely guessing. This is where we can help you make an educated decision. and filter through the marketing and hype.
You need to have a competent digestive system. The very best supplements will not help you if you are not absorbing them properly. Digestion issues may come from years of antibiotic use, processed foods, poor stomach acid and insufficient enzymes. Our ability to work with you to correct these issues is what sets us apart from others.
By making good choices and using the right fuel (food) and proper supplements, you can have more energy and enhance your well being.